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The Most Scandalous Ravensdale (The Ravensdale Scandals) Page 12

  His mouth slanted in that spine-tingling manner. ‘How about a flingsationship?’

  She gave him an answering smile. ‘I’ve never heard of one of those. What does it involve?’

  He winked at her. ‘Let’s go back to my place and I’ll show you.’


  IN THE CAB on the way back to Flynn’s house Kat could feel desire flooding every inch of her body like the wash of a warm tide. Flynn was holding her hand against the strong muscles of his thigh, an intimate anchoring of her to him that made her fingers itch to creep closer to the hot, hard, tempting heat of him. He glanced down at her with a teasing glint in his eyes. ‘Don’t even think about it,’ he said in a sexy undertone. ‘There are security cameras.’

  Touching him was all she could think about. Touching him, stroking him with her fingers, licking him with her tongue. Tasting him. She communicated it with her gaze, a kind of visual foreplay that made his pupils flare and his hand tighten over hers. ‘Just wait till I get you alone,’ she said.

  ‘You’ll have to be gentle with me. I’ve got fractures.’

  Kat bit her lip as she glanced at his bandaged foot. ‘Will it make it...?’

  ‘Awkward but not impossible,’ he said, holding her gaze.

  She saw the hunger there, the need, the longing. For her. Had any of her partners looked at her like that? As if she was the only woman in the world he wanted to make love to? ‘When was the last time you...?’ She left the question hanging open.


  Kat raised her brows. ‘Why so long between drinks?’

  He kept his eyes trained on hers, the heat in his fuelling the fire already raging in her flesh. ‘Because when I set my mind to something I don’t allow distractions to take my focus off my goal.’

  Kat licked her lips with a quick dart of her tongue. ‘How long were you prepared to wait?’

  ‘However long it took.’

  ‘What if I didn’t play ball, so to speak?’

  ‘I knew from the moment we met you would.’

  It wasn’t just hubris on his part. Kat had known it too. Deep in her body she had known he was the one man she would not be able to resist. She reached up with her hand and stroked his lean and tanned cheek, his light stubble catching on her fingers. ‘I hope I’ll be worth the wait.’

  Something softened in his expression. ‘Is that a lack of confidence I hear again?’

  Kat puffed out a little sigh. ‘It’s easier for guys. Simpler. For women it’s a little more complicated...or at least, it is for me.’

  He cupped her cheek with his warm hand, his eyes holding hers in an intimate lock. ‘I’ll make it good for you. I promise.’

  ‘Even with crutches?’

  The look in his eyes made every knob of her spine shudder in anticipation. ‘Count on it, baby.’

  * * *

  Keeping Cricket out of the bedroom proved to be more of a challenge for Flynn than getting her into it, Kat thought wryly as she listened to the little dog whining and scratching on the other side of the door. ‘Do you think he’ll settle down?’

  Flynn reached up to loosen his tie. ‘I’m not making love to you with a dog breathing down my neck.’

  ‘But he sounds so miserable.’

  ‘He’ll get over it.’ He tossed the tie to one side. ‘Now, come here so I can undress you.’

  She looked at him balanced awkwardly on his crutches. ‘Maybe we should switch it around. I’ll undress you.’

  His dark eyes gleamed. ‘Be my guest.’

  Kat made him sit on the bed and knelt down between his spread thighs to unbutton his shirt. She peeled it off his broad shoulders, leaning into him to press kisses to his warm, tanned, muscular flesh, from the base of his neck to the tightly whorled cave of his bellybutton.

  She heard him snatch in a breath as her tongue circled his navel, but he put his hands on her shoulders to stall her from going any lower. ‘That’s not the way I plan to do this,’ he said. ‘You’re pleasure is my priority. My goal.’

  Kat shivered at the steely intent in his gaze. ‘What do you want me to do?’

  ‘Take your clothes off. Slowly.’

  Kat got to her feet, balancing on one foot and then the other as she removed her heels. She slid her tights down from beneath her simple black dress, letting them fall in a twisted heap on the floor next to her shoes, all the while holding that dark-as-night, hungry gaze. She reached behind her back to pull down the zipper on her dress, letting the fabric shimmy down her body before it too landed in a puddle at her feet. She lowered one bra strap and then the other, her breasts still cupped in their black lace. She unhooked the back of her bra and watched as his eyes devoured their shape. She had body issues, just like any other young woman her age, but somehow standing in front of him in nothing but her knickers made her feel as if she was the most beautifully proportioned woman he had ever seen.

  Cricket gave a piteous whine from the other side of the door, scratching at the woodwork as if he was determined to dig his way through to his beloved master.

  Flynn muttered a curse. ‘I can’t freaking believe this.’

  Kat laughed at the agitated look on his face. ‘Let him in. I don’t mind. Really.’

  He mock-glowered at her. ‘I’m not having a threesome with a dog.’

  She moved closer to the bed, hooking one finger under the edge of her knickers. ‘Have you ever had one?’

  He frowned. ‘A threesome? No. Not my thing at all. You?’

  Kat shook her head. ‘A guy I was dating asked me to a while back but I refused. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t last long.’

  ‘Nice to know I’m not the only conservative lover around.’

  She arched a brow and eased her knickers a little further down. ‘How conservative are you?’

  His smile made her insides shift and shudder in delight. ‘Come over here and I’ll show you.’

  Kat stepped out of her knickers and moved within touching distance, her breath leaving her chest in a little gasp as his hands settled on her hips. She stood between his legs, her hands resting on his shoulders, her heartbeat tripping like a foot missing a step when his mouth came to her breast. He glided his lips along the sensitive flesh, his tongue passing over her budded nipple in a teasing, barely touching stroke that made every nerve ending beg and plead for more. He suckled on her gently before switching to her other breast, torturing her spinning senses with the promise of fulfilment.

  There was a building storm in her body—a storm of need that refused to be ignored. She could feel the tension in her lower body, the delicious pulse and contraction of her womanhood, the deep ache that begged to be assuaged.

  He guided her to lie down with him on the bed, somehow removing his trousers and underwear before he came down beside her, his damaged foot off to one side out of harm’s way. He stroked the seam of her body with a slow-moving fingertip, his touch like fire against bone-dry tinder. He explored her more intimately, sliding one and then two fingers into the secret cavern of her body, coming back to the swollen bud of her clitoris, massaging it with such deft skill she came apart within seconds. The sensations rippled through her body, fanning out from her core to all of her limbs, even to her very fingertips, in wave after wave of spine-tingling pleasure.

  He planted a warm hand on her belly. ‘But wait. There’s more.’

  Kat sucked in a breath as he brought his mouth to her. The feel of his lips and tongue on her most intimate flesh made her whole body shake and shudder. The earth-shattering orgasm thundered through her body, hurtling her into a vortex unlike anything she had experienced before. She was breathless when it was over, stunned that her body could respond with such violent fervour.

  Flynn gently lifted a strand of hair away from her mouth and tucked it
behind her ear. ‘Was that as good as it looked?’

  Kat touched his mouth with a fingertip. ‘You know it was.’

  He captured her finger and pressed a soft kiss to her fingertip. ‘You could’ve been pretending.’

  ‘I’m not that good an actor.’

  He kissed her fingertip again. ‘Repeat after me: I. Am. A. Brilliant. Actor.’

  Kat tried to pull her hand away but he held firm. ‘This is silly...’

  ‘Say it, sweetheart.’ His eyes wouldn’t let hers go. ‘Say it for me.’

  She took a breath and released it in a whoosh. ‘I. Am. A. Brilliant. Actor.’

  He smiled and inched up her chin. ‘I want you.’

  Kat drew in another sharp breath as his eyes seared hers. She could feel the swollen heat of him against her thigh and reached down to take him in her hand. She moved her hand up and down his shaft, watching as he fought for control with every movement of her hand.

  ‘Hold that thought,’ he said and rolled away to retrieve a condom from the bedside drawer.

  See? He’s done this a thousand times.


  You’re just another notch on his bedpost.

  Firstly, he doesn’t have a bedpost—he has a bedhead. Secondly, he’s waited months for me. That makes it different.

  What makes you think you’re so special?

  He likes me. And I like him.

  You’re falling in love with him.

  I’m doing no such thing.

  Flynn paused once the condom was in place. ‘Are you okay?’

  Kat quickly rearranged her features. ‘Sure.’

  A tiny frown appeared between his eyes. ‘We don’t have to continue this if you’d rather not.’

  She smoothed out the crease of his frown. ‘I guess being a lawyer and all you’d be pretty pedantic about consent.’

  ‘It’s not about me being a lawyer. It’s about me being a man who respects a woman’s right to say no at any stage of the encounter.’

  You are so going to fall in love with this guy.

  Kat ignored the debate with her conscience to gaze into his dark eyes. ‘I want you. I really, truly want you.’

  His mouth came down to hers in a slow burn of a kiss, stoking the fire of her need until her entire body was shaking with it. She whimpered, she begged, she clawed at his back and urged him to put her out of her misery, but still he took his time pleasuring her with his mouth, with his tongue, playing, flirting and teasing hers.

  ‘Don’t be so impatient,’ he said against her lips.

  ‘Aren’t know...?’

  His erection moved against her folds, potent, thick and heavy with desire. ‘I am, but I want you to be ready for me.’

  I was ready for you the first time I set eyes on you, Kat wanted to say out loud. But instead she used her body to do the talking, pushing herself against his swollen heat, her breath catching as he entered her slickly in one deep thrust that made every hair on her scalp tingle and twirl. He groaned as he surged again, the rocking movement of his body triggering powerful sensations in her core. She was close but not quite close enough. But, as if he could read her every need, he reached down between their entwined bodies and found the throbbing heart of her desire. His fingers worked their magic and suddenly she was flying, spinning, rolling over and over, losing track of anything but the explosive release pulsing through her entire body.

  Flynn followed with a series of thrusts that signalled his own release. Kat felt the tension of him just before he pitched into the abyss, heard the guttural groan, felt the hot breeze of his expelled breath against her neck. She felt him relax against her when it was over, his arms still holding her as if he never wanted to let her go.

  She tiptoed her fingers up and down the musculature of his back, exploring every knob of his spine, from between his shoulder blades to the base just above his taut buttocks. She felt his skin quiver like a horse shaking off an insect. ‘Am I tickling you?’ she said.

  He leaned on his elbows to look at her. ‘You have beautiful hands. But then everything about you is beautiful.’

  Kat traced the outline of his mouth with her fingertip. ‘This is kind of weird...’

  ‘What is?’

  ‘Me being in bed with you.’

  ‘Doesn’t feel weird to me. It feels amazing.’

  She looked into his coal-black gaze. Had he felt anything like the cataclysmic release she had felt? ‘Better than usual?’

  His expression was closed for a nanosecond, as if he had retreated to some place in his mind where no one else was allowed access. But then he smiled a lopsided smile. ‘Fishing for compliments, Miss Winwood?’

  Kat pulled at her lower lip with her teeth. ‘Will you tell Jaz and Miranda and the twins about us?’

  His eyes moved between each of hers, as if he too were searching for something she was trying to conceal. ‘Would it bother you if they found out?’

  She thought about it for a moment. ‘Not long as they know this isn’t heading anywhere serious.’

  Something about his expression looked tight. Pulled back. ‘Wedding fever might’ve hit the Ravensdales but it’s not going to hit me.’

  Kat studied the taut line of his mouth for a moment. ‘I would’ve thought you’d be the first person to want to settle down and have a family.’

  ‘Why’s that?’

  ‘Because you didn’t have one growing—’

  ‘I did have one.’ He rolled away from her to dispose of the condom. ‘I still have one.’

  ‘But you’re not close to any of them.’

  ‘So?’ He threw her a glance. ‘Lots of people aren’t close to their families. It doesn’t mean they don’t love them.’

  Kat pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. ‘You love them?’

  He let out an impatient breath. ‘Of course I do. They raised me, educated me, provided for me.’

  ‘Do you ever tell them you love them?’

  He reached for his trousers, sitting on the bed with his back to her and pulled them on. ‘We’re not that sort of family.’

  Kat watched as he got awkwardly to his feet to shrug on his shirt. ‘Are you angry with me?’

  He turned to look at her. ‘Why do you think that?’

  ‘Because you’re getting dressed. It’s like you’re putting up a barrier.’

  He drew in a long breath and then released it in a measured stream. ‘It’s late. I thought you’d want to go back next door to your own bed.’

  He’s dismissing you. He’s done the deed, now he wants you gone.

  No, he’s not. He’s protecting himself. I’ve touched a nerve.

  Kat unfolded her legs and got off the bed. She didn’t reach for her clothes but went over to where he was balanced on his crutches with his shirt hanging open. She slid a hand over the taut muscles of his chest, right up to the back of his neck to bring his head down towards hers. ‘Do you really want me to go back next door?’ she whispered against his mouth.

  ‘Not yet,’ he said and covered her mouth with his.


  FLYNN WOKE SOMETIME during the night to realise Kat was still in bed beside him. It wasn’t that he didn’t have the occasional sleepover but he was choosy about who stayed and who didn’t. He had wanted Kat to stay. Had wanted it so much it spooked him. He kept telling himself it was okay; she wanted what he wanted—a flingsationship—something between a fling and a relationship. It could last days, weeks or months and he was fine with that.

  He looked at her sleeping beside him, her hair in a tangled mess across the pillow, her soft mouth settled in a half-smile as if she was dreaming about something pleasant. She gave a tiny murmur and nestled a little closer. It was as if she ha
d sensed there was someone in the bed beside her and couldn’t bear not to be touching them. He shivered as her arms and legs wrapped around his, her head burying against his chest as she gave a kittenish purr of satisfaction.

  He found himself stroking the back of her head while he listened to the sound of her breathing, feeling each soft breath waft over his skin like a caress. One of her hands slipped down between their bodies, her fingers finding him as hard as stone.

  She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a sultry smile. ‘You’re up already?’

  Flynn shuddered as her hand tightened around him. ‘Been up a while, actually.’

  She sat up and pushed her hair back off her face, her beautiful breasts drawing his gaze like an industrial-strength magnet. He touched each one with his hand, cupping them, stroking them, watching as she expressed her pleasure with little sighs and moans. He leaned forward to take her nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over and around it, drawing on it with gentle pressure. Her hands came down to grasp his head, her fingers digging into his scalp as if to anchor herself against the powerful sensations his touch evoked.

  He moved his mouth to her other nipple, then to the underside of her breast, licking the sensitive flesh with his tongue until she pulled him away to look at him with eyes bright with desire.

  She pushed him back down on the bed and straddled him, taking care not to bump his bandaged foot. Her hair half-covered her breast like she was a mermaid, which somehow was even more sexy than straight-out nakedness. He slid his hands up from her hips to her waist, his erection pressed up against her naturally separated folds. He could feel her wet heat, the temptation of her making his body hum with overwhelming longing to thrust in without protection.

  But that was a line he wouldn’t cross.

  ‘Want to put a condom on for me?’ he asked, nodding to the bedside drawer where he kept them.